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Hi-C analysis using HicStuff
Run HicStuff pipeline
Submission form
Fill in the form below to submit a job with HiCstuff. Fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory.
Fastq input
Bam input
Paired-end Fastq files
Note: Both file names should have the same basename except for R1/R2 marking them as forward/reverse
Paired-end Bam files
Note: Both file names should have the same basename except for R1/R2 marking them as forward/reverse
Reference genome
Choose your reference genome
Please select the corresponding reference genome
Deinococcus radiodurans
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
or upload a reference genome
Job name
Give your job a name (max 30 characters - please avoid any special characters)
Restriction enzyme
Specify one or multiple enzymes, use the comma as a separator
Advanced options
Alignment tool
Centromere file
Upload your centrome position file
Specify the number of kb that will be remove around the centromere position given by in the centromere file.
Minimum mapping quality
Reset fields
(NB: according the the size of your input, submission might take a little while)
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