All interfaces > All interologs > Interface groups > group130 > 5Y6Z_A_B,C vs 7AAP_A_T

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A:177 [GLU] B:600 [G] A:558 [ALA] T:10 [C]
A:210 [VAL] B:602 [C] A:589 [ILE] T:12 [U]
A:210 [VAL] B:603 [U] A:589 [ILE] T:13 [A]
A:293 [GLY] B:601 [U] A:686 [THR] T:11 [A]
A:214 [PRO] B:604 [C] A:593 [LYS] T:14 [A]
A:292 [SER] B:601 [U] A:685 [ALA] T:11 [A]
A:292 [SER] B:602 [C] A:685 [ALA] T:12 [U]
A:413 [ASP] B:607 [G] A:857 [GLU] T:17 [U]
A:417 [SER] B:606 [C] A:861 [SER] T:16 [U]
A:20 [PRO] B:598 [A] A:408 [GLN] T:8 [U]
A:178 [ALA] B:600 [G] A:559 [GLY] T:10 [C]
A:289 [SER] B:600 [G] A:682 [SER] T:10 [C]
A:289 [SER] B:601 [U] A:682 [SER] T:11 [A]
A:115 [SER] B:599 [G] A:501 [SER] T:9 [U]
A:115 [SER] B:600 [G] A:501 [SER] T:10 [C]
A:115 [SER] B:601 [U] A:501 [SER] T:11 [A]
A:157 [TYR] B:598 [A] A:543 [ASN] T:8 [U]
A:157 [TYR] B:599 [G] A:543 [ASN] T:9 [U]
A:211 [GLY] B:603 [U] A:590 [GLY] T:13 [A]
A:211 [GLY] B:604 [C] A:590 [GLY] T:14 [A]
A:199 [HIS] B:603 [U] A:580 [ALA] T:13 [A]
A:158 [VAL] B:599 [G] A:544 [LEU] T:9 [U]
A:290 [GLY] B:600 [G] A:683 [GLY] T:10 [C]
A:290 [GLY] B:601 [U] A:683 [GLY] T:11 [A]
A:295 [SER] B:602 [C] A:688 [ALA] T:12 [U]
A:212 [CYS] B:603 [U] A:591 [THR] T:13 [A]
A:212 [CYS] B:604 [C] A:591 [THR] T:14 [A]
A:188 [ARG] B:602 [C] A:569 [ARG] T:12 [U]
A:176 [ILE] B:599 [G] A:557 [VAL] T:9 [U]
A:176 [ILE] B:600 [G] A:557 [VAL] T:10 [C]
A:111 [ASP] B:601 [U] A:497 [ASN] T:11 [A]
A:420 [LEU] B:605 [U] A:864 [ILE] T:15 [C]
A:420 [LEU] B:606 [C] A:864 [ILE] T:16 [U]
A:213 [ASN] B:604 [C] A:592 [SER] T:14 [A]
A:213 [ASN] B:605 [U] A:592 [SER] T:15 [C]
A:114 [THR] B:600 [G] A:500 [LYS] T:10 [C]
A:114 [THR] B:601 [U] A:500 [LYS] T:11 [A]
A:416 [ARG] B:606 [C] A:860 [VAL] T:16 [U]
A:294 [THR] B:601 [U] A:687 [THR] T:11 [A]
A:121 [SER] B:599 [G] A:507 [ASN] T:9 [U]
A:291 [CYS] B:601 [U] A:684 [ASP] T:11 [A]
A:179 [SER] B:600 [G] A:560 [VAL] T:10 [C]
A:159 [LYS] B:600 [G] A:545 [LYS] T:10 [C]
A:413 [ASP] B:606 [C] A:857 [GLU] T:16 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:417 [SER] B:605 [U] A:861 [SER] T:15 [C] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:20 [PRO] B:599 [G] A:408 [GLN] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:126 [LYS] B:598 [A] A:511 [LYS] T:8 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:199 [HIS] B:602 [C] A:580 [ALA] T:12 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:295 [SER] B:601 [U] A:688 [ALA] T:11 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:110 [ILE] B:601 [U] A:496 [ASN] T:11 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:111 [ASP] B:602 [C] A:497 [ASN] T:12 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:114 [THR] B:599 [G] A:500 [LYS] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:416 [ARG] B:607 [G] A:860 [VAL] T:17 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:294 [THR] B:600 [G] A:687 [THR] T:10 [C] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:291 [CYS] B:600 [G] A:684 [ASP] T:10 [C] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:179 [SER] B:601 [U] A:560 [VAL] T:11 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A_T
A:110 [ILE] B:602 [C] A:496 [ASN] T:12 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:110 [ILE] B:603 [U] A:496 [ASN] T:13 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:121 [SER] B:598 [A] A:507 [ASN] T:8 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:126 [LYS] B:599 [G] A:511 [LYS] T:9 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:188 [ARG] B:601 [U] A:569 [ARG] T:11 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:199 [HIS] B:604 [C] A:580 [ALA] T:14 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A_B,C
A:448 [ILE] B:608 [U] A:915 [TYR] T:18 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:448, 5Y6Z_B:608 no longer at interface
A:24 [LYS] B:599 [G] A:412 [PRO] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:412 no longer at interface
A:327 [TYR] B:602 [C] A:758 [LEU] T:12 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:758 no longer at interface
A:327 [TYR] B:603 [U] A:758 [LEU] T:13 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A:758 no longer at interface
A:209 [ALA] B:603 [U] A:588 [VAL] T:13 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A:588 no longer at interface
A:22 [ARG] B:599 [G] A:410 [VAL] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:410 no longer at interface
A:160 [ASP] B:599 [G] A:546 [TYR] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:546 no longer at interface
A:184 [SER] B:601 [U] A:565 [THR] T:11 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A:565 no longer at interface
A:23 [THR] B:599 [G] A:411 [LYS] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:411 no longer at interface
A:113 [HIS] B:600 [G] A:499 [ASP] T:10 [C] ❌ 7AAP_A:499 no longer at interface
A:127 [LYS] B:600 [G] A:512 [ALA] T:10 [C] ❌ 7AAP_A:512 no longer at interface
A:127 [LYS] B:601 [U] A:512 [ALA] T:11 [A] ❌ 7AAP_A:512 no longer at interface
A:18 [ASN] B:598 [A] A:406 [ALA] T:8 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:406 no longer at interface
A:19 [GLY] B:598 [A] A:407 [PHE] T:8 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:407 no longer at interface
A:43 [LEU] B:599 [G] A:444 [GLN] T:9 [U] ❌ 7AAP_A:444 no longer at interface
A:155 [SER] B:599 [G] A:541 [GLN] T:9 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:155 no longer at interface
A:155 [SER] B:598 [A] A:541 [GLN] T:8 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:155 no longer at interface
A:196 [GLU] B:602 [C] A:577 [LYS] T:12 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:196 no longer at interface
A:196 [GLU] B:603 [U] A:577 [LYS] T:13 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:196 no longer at interface
A:202 [PRO] B:604 [C] A:583 [ARG] T:14 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:202 no longer at interface
A:215 [ASP] B:604 [C] A:594 [PHE] T:14 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:215 no longer at interface
A:215 [ASP] B:605 [U] A:594 [PHE] T:15 [C] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:215 no longer at interface
A:296 [ILE] B:602 [C] A:689 [TYR] T:12 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:296 no longer at interface
A:296 [ILE] B:603 [U] A:689 [TYR] T:13 [A] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:296 no longer at interface
A:448 [ILE] B:607 [G] A:915 [TYR] T:17 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:448 no longer at interface
A:453 [ASN] B:607 [G] A:920 [PHE] T:17 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:453 no longer at interface
A:453 [ASN] B:606 [C] A:920 [PHE] T:16 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:453 no longer at interface
A:457 [ASN] B:606 [C] A:924 [MET] T:16 [U] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:457 no longer at interface
A:457 [ASN] B:605 [U] A:924 [MET] T:15 [C] ❌ 5Y6Z_A:457 no longer at interface

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Properties of this pair

Common ECOD label(s)
Common RFAM label(s)
Interface TM-score
Interface RMSD
Percentage identity
Protein TM-score
RNA TM-score
Protein coverage
RNA coverage
Percentage conservation
Apolar conservation
H-bond conservation
Percentage switching out
Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like 0.8 1.76 0.00 0.82 0.43 0.76 0.91 0.65 0.52 0.32 0.60

Other pairs involving 5Y6Z_A_B,C or 7AAP_A_T

Total number of entries: 18

Interface 1 Interface 2 Percentage conservation
Interface TM-score
Interface RMSD
Percentage identity
Common ECOD label(s)
Common RFAM label(s)
Explore both interfaces
4K4Z_E_F,G 7AAP_A_T 0.61 0.79 1.77 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
4K4Z_E_F,G 5Y6Z_A_B,C 0.90 0.98 0.73 0.87 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 6KWQ_A_B,C 0.94 0.99 0.55 0.93 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 6LSF_A_B,C 0.93 0.98 0.51 0.44 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 7BV2_A_T 0.59 0.8 1.4 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.65 0.8 1.76 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.87 0.97 0.85 0.8 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
4K4S_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.66 0.79 1.85 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
4K4S_A_B,C 5Y6Z_A_B,C 0.88 0.98 0.8 0.87 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5F8H_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.70 0.8 1.58 0.09 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
5F8H_A_B,C 5Y6Z_A_B,C 0.97 0.98 0.61 0.82 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
3OL9_A_B,C 5Y6Z_A_B,C 0.91 0.98 0.68 0.87 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
3OL9_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.68 0.79 1.81 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
3AVX_A_G,T 5Y6Z_A_B,C 0.52 0.61 2.95 0.1 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
7AAP_A_T 7BV2_A_T 0.96 0.99 0.42 0.9 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
6KWQ_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.68 0.77 1.65 0.0 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
6LSF_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.69 0.8 1.7 0.09 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
6LSG_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.59 0.8 1.73 0.09 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare