All interfaces > All interologs > Interface groups > group130 > 6LSG_A_B,C

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Base Pair
Hbond nuc:res
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Residue conservation
A:20 [PRO] B:600 [G] 3.7 63.01
A:107 [LEU] B:603 [U] 4.83 C:1308 [A] 85.59
A:108 [GLU] B:603 [U] 3.69 C:1308 [A] 76.53
A:108 [GLU] B:604 [C] 4.35 C:1307 [G] 76.53
A:111 [ASP] B:602 [C] 3.95 C:1309 [G] 93.04
A:113 [HIS] B:600 [G] 4.07 60.57
A:113 [HIS] B:601 [U] 4.96 C:1310 [A] 60.57
A:113 [HIS] C:1305 [G] 4.76 B:606 [C] 60.57
A:114 [SER] B:601 [U] 3.35 C:1310 [A] 93.54
A:114 [SER] B:602 [C] 2.82 C:1309 [G] 93.54
A:115 [THR] B:600 [G] 2.69 95.0
A:115 [THR] B:601 [U] 2.67 C:1310 [A] 95.0
A:121 [SER] B:600 [G] 4.31 62.15
A:127 [LYS] B:602 [C] 4.4 C:1309 [G] 97.67
A:133 [SER] C:1303 [G] 3.25 B:608 [C] 0.88
A:157 [TYR] B:600 [G] 3.44 82.14
A:159 [LYS] B:601 [U] 2.94 C:1310 [A] base:SC 98.9
A:159 [LYS] C:1309 [G] 4.91 B:602 [C] 98.9
A:159 [LYS] C:1310 [A] 3.87 B:601 [U] 98.9
A:174 [ARG] C:1310 [A] 4.24 B:601 [U] 98.82
A:176 [ILE] B:600 [G] 3.03 90.99
A:176 [ILE] B:601 [U] 3.51 C:1310 [A] 90.99
A:178 [ALA] B:601 [U] 4.24 C:1310 [A] 84.44
A:199 [HIS] B:603 [U] 3.8 C:1308 [A] 83.64
A:210 [VAL] B:603 [U] 4.11 C:1308 [A] 94.4
A:211 [GLY] B:603 [U] 2.99 C:1308 [A] sugar:BB 98.32
A:211 [GLY] B:604 [C] 3.48 C:1307 [G] 98.32
A:212 [CYS] B:603 [U] 4.16 C:1308 [A] 87.81
A:212 [CYS] B:604 [C] 3.28 C:1307 [G] 87.81
A:213 [ASN] B:604 [C] 3.43 C:1307 [G] 80.83
A:213 [ASN] B:605 [U] 3.7 C:1306 [A] 80.83
A:214 [PRO] B:604 [C] 3.85 C:1307 [G] 97.6
A:289 [SER] B:601 [U] 4.06 C:1310 [A] 99.0
A:290 [GLY] B:601 [U] 3.59 C:1310 [A] 98.77
A:291 [MET] B:601 [U] 4.1 C:1310 [A] 79.42
A:295 [SER] B:602 [C] 4.36 C:1309 [G] 96.53
A:295 [SER] C:1310 [A] 4.28 B:601 [U] 96.53
A:327 [TYR] B:602 [C] 4.28 C:1309 [G] 98.71
A:327 [TYR] B:603 [U] 3.13 C:1308 [A] 98.71
A:327 [TYR] C:1309 [G] 3.1 B:602 [C] base:SC 98.71
A:327 [TYR] C:1310 [A] 2.83 B:601 [U] 98.71
A:328 [GLY] C:1310 [A] 3.55 B:601 [U] 98.27
A:329 [ASP] C:1310 [A] 2.67 B:601 [U] 98.95
A:330 [ASP] C:1310 [A] 3.37 B:601 [U] 98.95
A:375 [LEU] C:1309 [G] 3.31 B:602 [C] 98.74
A:375 [LEU] C:1310 [A] 3.97 B:601 [U] 98.74
A:376 [LYS] C:1309 [G] 3.0 B:602 [C] 98.66
A:376 [LYS] C:1310 [A] 3.85 B:601 [U] 98.66
A:377 [ARG] C:1308 [A] 4.15 B:603 [U] 98.77
A:377 [ARG] C:1309 [G] 3.69 B:602 [C] sugar:SC 98.77
A:393 [MET] C:1308 [A] 3.94 B:603 [U] 87.34
A:393 [MET] C:1309 [G] 3.89 B:602 [C] 87.34
A:397 [GLU] C:1309 [G] 4.18 B:602 [C] 78.1
A:401 [SER] C:1307 [G] 3.45 B:604 [C] 88.7
A:401 [SER] C:1308 [A] 2.68 B:603 [U] 88.7
A:406 [LYS] C:1307 [G] 3.3 B:604 [C] 84.89
A:410 [ASN] C:1305 [G] 3.38 B:606 [C] 57.0
A:410 [ASN] C:1306 [A] 3.27 B:605 [U] 57.0
A:413 [ASP] B:606 [C] 4.92 C:1305 [G] 74.04
A:413 [ASP] B:607 [U] 3.14 C:1304 [A] sugar:SC 74.04
A:413 [ASP] C:1305 [G] 2.97 B:606 [C] base:SC 74.04
A:413 [ASP] C:1306 [A] 3.9 B:605 [U] 74.04
A:413 [ASP] C:1307 [G] 4.97 B:604 [C] 74.04
A:414 [HIS] C:1306 [A] 3.8 B:605 [U] 80.77
A:414 [HIS] C:1307 [G] 3.51 B:604 [C] 80.77
A:414 [HIS] C:1308 [A] 4.53 B:603 [U] 80.77
A:416 [ARG] B:606 [C] 2.74 C:1305 [G] sugar:SC 20.86
A:416 [ARG] B:607 [U] 3.3 C:1304 [A] 20.86
A:417 [SER] B:605 [U] 5.0 C:1306 [A] 94.76
A:417 [SER] B:606 [C] 4.42 C:1305 [G] 94.76
A:417 [SER] C:1306 [A] 4.35 B:605 [U] 94.76
A:417 [SER] C:1307 [G] 3.58 B:604 [C] 94.76
A:418 [LEU] C:1307 [G] 3.93 B:604 [C] 80.8
A:418 [LEU] C:1308 [A] 4.36 B:603 [U] 80.8
A:420 [LEU] B:605 [U] 3.69 C:1306 [A] 1.66
A:420 [LEU] B:606 [C] 3.41 C:1305 [G] 1.66
A:421 [LEU] C:1307 [G] 4.49 B:604 [C] 93.2
A:421 [LEU] C:1308 [A] 3.88 B:603 [U] 93.2

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*Conservation was calculated using Rate4Site
NB: conservation is missing (completly white) for a very small minority of cases in which no homologous sequences were found (e.g. synthetic proteins 7D3J_A & 7EU9_A)

Properties of this interface

Interolog group ID Structure ID Structure description
UniProt ID
ECOD label(s)
RFAM label(s)
Is ribosome? RCSB PDB link
group130 6LSG_A_B,C A: Genome polyprotein, Human enterovirus 71 (genetically engineered) B: RNA (35-mer), Synthetic construct (synthetic) C: Synthetic construct (synthetic) E5RPG3 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases ✘


Total number of interologs for this interface: 9

Interface 1 Interface 2 Percentage conservation
Interface TM-score
Interface RMSD
Percentage identity
Common ECOD label(s)
Common RFAM label(s)
Explore both interfaces
6LSG_A_B,C 7AAP_A_T 0.59 0.8 1.73 0.09 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
6LSG_A_B,C 7BV2_A_T 0.59 0.8 1.18 0.12 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like compare
6LSF_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.86 0.99 0.74 0.67 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
4K4Z_E_F,G 6LSG_A_B,C 0.80 0.99 0.69 0.8 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5Y6Z_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.87 0.97 0.85 0.8 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
3OL9_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.84 0.98 0.78 0.8 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
6KWQ_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.83 0.99 0.64 0.8 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
4K4S_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.80 0.99 0.75 0.82 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare
5F8H_A_B,C 6LSG_A_B,C 0.86 0.99 0.6 0.91 Adenylyl and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain-like & helical bundle domain in reverse transcriptase-like polymerases compare