All interfaces > All interologs > Interface groups > group140 > 4KRF_A_R

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Base Pair
Hbond nuc:res
Base Stacking
Residue conservation
A:175 [VAL] R:9 [U] 4.93 71.64
A:217 [VAL] R:8 [G] 4.58 65.51
A:218 [SER] R:7 [A] 4.29 83.36
A:218 [SER] R:8 [G] 2.67 83.36
A:219 [ALA] R:7 [A] 2.79 sugar:BB 63.6
A:219 [ALA] R:8 [G] 3.12 63.6
A:220 [THR] R:7 [A] 4.85 74.41
A:220 [THR] R:8 [G] 3.51 sugar:SC 74.41
A:220 [THR] R:9 [U] 4.89 74.41
A:221 [ALA] R:8 [G] 4.93 77.88
A:269 [HIS] R:22 [U] 2.95 81.02
A:275 [ARG] R:21 [U] 3.55 sugar:SC 73.84
A:277 [TYR] R:21 [U] 3.26 sugar:SC 46.45
A:277 [TYR] R:22 [U] 4.86 46.45
A:292 [PHE] R:22 [U] 3.27 base/AA stacks 82.29
A:293 [PRO] R:22 [U] 4.56 5.52
A:294 [LEU] R:22 [U] 3.78 7.19
A:306 [VAL] R:22 [U] 3.74 95.92
A:309 [TYR] R:21 [U] 4.57 93.2
A:309 [TYR] R:22 [U] 2.58 93.2
A:310 [PHE] R:22 [U] 3.49 84.92
A:313 [LYS] R:21 [U] 3.71 49.01
A:313 [LYS] R:22 [U] 4.95 49.01
A:314 [TYR] R:21 [U] 4.26 86.31
A:314 [TYR] R:22 [U] 2.56 86.31
A:334 [HIS] R:22 [U] 2.9 base:SC, sugar:BB 38.01
A:335 [THR] R:21 [U] 3.42 base:SC 45.39
A:335 [THR] R:22 [U] 3.45 45.39
A:336 [TYR] R:22 [U] 2.77 sugar:BB 60.44
A:337 [LEU] R:22 [U] 3.88 60.67
A:349 [ARG] R:9 [U] 3.51 75.59
A:349 [ARG] R:10 [A] 4.19 75.59
A:351 [ILE] R:10 [A] 4.86 52.9
A:354 [LEU] R:7 [A] 4.32 82.23
A:359 [THR] R:7 [A] 3.82 78.18
A:362 [MET] R:7 [A] 3.38 80.97
A:362 [MET] R:8 [G] 3.75 80.97
A:363 [ILE] R:6 [U] 3.34 86.01
A:363 [ILE] R:7 [A] 3.68 86.01
A:366 [THR] R:7 [A] 3.29 sugar:SC 80.38
A:368 [ARG] R:7 [A] 4.06 47.0
A:373 [ARG] R:7 [A] 3.36 96.06
A:520 [LEU] R:1 [U] 3.36 71.16
A:522 [GLY] R:1 [U] 2.88 base:BB 30.07
A:523 [LYS] R:1 [U] 3.52 38.12
A:524 [THR] R:1 [U] 3.03 base:BB 53.17
A:527 [TYR] R:1 [U] 2.47 base/AA stacks 92.09
A:531 [LYS] R:1 [U] 2.74 98.92
A:542 [THR] R:1 [U] 3.81 95.06
A:543 [GLN] R:1 [U] 2.82 96.75
A:543 [GLN] R:2 [G] 4.64 96.75
A:544 [CYS] R:1 [U] 2.99 90.78
A:544 [CYS] R:2 [G] 3.88 90.78
A:545 [VAL] R:1 [U] 3.88 80.94
A:545 [VAL] R:2 [G] 3.75 80.94
A:546 [GLN] R:1 [U] 3.06 sugar:SC 43.57
A:546 [GLN] R:2 [G] 2.76 43.57
A:549 [ASN] R:1 [U] 4.92 77.99
A:549 [ASN] R:2 [G] 2.66 77.99
A:556 [GLN] R:2 [G] 3.2 70.79
A:557 [THR] R:2 [G] 3.43 73.96
A:560 [ASN] R:2 [G] 2.4 base:SC 98.03
A:560 [ASN] R:3 [A] 4.24 98.03
A:561 [LEU] R:2 [G] 3.61 79.26
A:564 [LYS] R:1 [U] 2.8 98.97
A:564 [LYS] R:2 [G] 3.36 98.97
A:564 [LYS] R:3 [A] 2.93 98.97
A:568 [LYS] R:1 [U] 3.22 98.83
A:601 [ALA] R:10 [A] 4.44 65.97
A:633 [ARG] R:10 [A] 3.16 base/AA stacks 81.48
A:707 [LYS] R:5 [G] 4.98 98.94
A:707 [LYS] R:6 [U] 2.82 98.94
A:708 [ARG] R:8 [G] 4.99 94.0
A:708 [ARG] R:9 [U] 2.88 base/AA stacks 94.0
A:708 [ARG] R:10 [A] 2.95 94.0
A:710 [HIS] R:8 [G] 3.37 88.76
A:712 [ARG] R:7 [A] 3.15 96.31
A:712 [ARG] R:8 [G] 4.82 96.31
A:751 [HIS] R:5 [G] 3.34 95.11
A:751 [HIS] R:6 [U] 2.97 95.11
A:752 [ALA] R:5 [G] 4.21 59.39
A:753 [GLY] R:5 [G] 4.52 86.53
A:754 [ILE] R:4 [G] 3.6 76.83
A:754 [ILE] R:5 [G] 3.58 sugar:BB 76.83
A:755 [GLN] R:5 [G] 3.25 sugar:BB 78.18
A:755 [GLN] R:6 [U] 3.2 78.18
A:755 [GLN] R:7 [A] 4.94 78.18
A:756 [GLY] R:6 [U] 4.54 98.58
A:756 [GLY] R:7 [A] 3.83 98.58
A:757 [THR] R:6 [U] 3.53 98.97
A:757 [THR] R:7 [A] 2.9 98.97
A:758 [SER] R:5 [G] 4.88 92.81
A:758 [SER] R:6 [U] 3.43 92.81
A:759 [ARG] R:6 [U] 2.74 89.53
A:759 [ARG] R:7 [A] 3.41 89.53
A:759 [ARG] R:8 [G] 2.22 89.53
A:788 [TYR] R:3 [A] 4.56 79.96
A:788 [TYR] R:4 [G] 2.68 79.96
A:790 [ARG] R:3 [A] 3.3 95.81
A:790 [ARG] R:4 [G] 3.31 95.81
A:791 [CYS] R:3 [A] 3.32 85.23
A:791 [CYS] R:4 [G] 3.74 85.23
A:793 [ARG] R:3 [A] 4.57 89.12
A:793 [ARG] R:4 [G] 3.08 sugar:SC 89.12
A:795 [VAL] R:4 [G] 3.86 95.22
A:795 [VAL] R:5 [G] 3.69 95.22
A:796 [SER] R:4 [G] 4.68 98.06
A:796 [SER] R:5 [G] 2.53 98.06
A:796 [SER] R:6 [U] 4.54 98.06
A:797 [ILE] R:5 [G] 4.69 78.12
A:802 [TYR] R:4 [G] 3.59 79.12
A:802 [TYR] R:5 [G] 2.63 79.12
A:810 [ARG] R:1 [U] 3.51 96.36
A:813 [TYR] R:1 [U] 4.93 6.94
A:857 [ALA] R:1 [U] 4.2 71.26
A:857 [ALA] R:3 [A] 4.45 71.26

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*Conservation was calculated using Rate4Site
NB: conservation is missing (completly white) for a very small minority of cases in which no homologous sequences were found (e.g. synthetic proteins 7D3J_A & 7EU9_A)

Properties of this interface

Interolog group ID Structure ID Structure description
UniProt ID
ECOD label(s)
RFAM label(s)
Is ribosome? RCSB PDB link
group140 4KRF_A_R A: Protein argonaute-1, Homo sapiens (genetically engineered) R: N/A Q9UL18 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs ✘


Total number of interologs for this interface: 18

Interface 1 Interface 2 Percentage conservation
Interface TM-score
Interface RMSD
Percentage identity
Common ECOD label(s)
Common RFAM label(s)
Explore both interfaces
4KRE_A_R 4KRF_A_R 0.99 1.0 0.36 0.18 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6OON_A_B 0.97 0.98 0.92 0.33 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6OZP_B_C,D 0.53 0.62 2.61 0.05 Ribonuclease H-like compare
4KRF_A_R 6D92_A_C 0.62 0.71 4.01 0.17 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 4OLA_A_B 0.98 0.98 1.1 0.3 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6CBD_A_B,C 0.86 0.93 2.39 0.17 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 4Z4D_A_B,D 0.88 0.93 2.36 0.25 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6MFN_A_C,E 0.87 0.86 1.85 0.08 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6OZS_B_C,D 0.55 0.62 2.59 0.09 Ribonuclease H-like compare
4KRF_A_R 4W5O_A_B,D 0.86 0.92 2.36 0.25 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 5I4A_A_B 0.59 0.77 2.79 0.03 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 4KXT_A_B 0.95 0.97 1.54 0.25 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 compare
4KRF_A_R 4W5T_A_B,D 0.82 0.93 2.41 0.25 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6OZP_A_C,D 0.48 0.62 2.57 0.08 Ribonuclease H-like compare
4KRF_A_R 5AWH_A_C 0.48 0.71 3.98 0.14 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 5JS1_A_B 0.98 0.98 1.05 0.4 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare
4KRF_A_R 6OZS_A_C,D 0.49 0.62 2.57 0.0 Ribonuclease H-like compare
4F3T_A_R 4KRF_A_R 0.97 0.98 1.02 0.42 Ribonuclease H-like & Argonaute, N-terminal domain & SH3 & Middle domain in Argonaute homologs compare