All interfaces > All interologs > Interface groups > group49 > 6AZ3_K_1 vs 7O7Y_BM_B5

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K:112 [LYS] 1:1244 [G] BM:53 [LYS] B5:1863 [C]
K:75 [ARG] 1:1241 [A] BM:17 [PHE] B5:1860 [C]
K:92 [ASN] 1:1244 [G] BM:34 [ASN] B5:1863 [C]
K:92 [ASN] 1:1245 [G] BM:34 [ASN] B5:1864 [G]
K:126 [ASN] 1:530 [U] BM:67 [SER] B5:816 [C]
K:125 [ARG] 1:529 [A] BM:66 [HIS] B5:815 [G]
K:124 [SER] 1:528 [A] BM:65 [PRO] B5:814 [A]
K:92 [ASN] 1:1243 [G] BM:34 [ASN] B5:1862 [A] ❌ 7O7Y_BM_B5
K:126 [ASN] 1:529 [A] BM:67 [SER] B5:815 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_BM_B5
K:125 [ARG] 1:528 [A] BM:66 [HIS] B5:814 [A] ❌ 7O7Y_BM_B5
K:105 [TRP] 1:543 [G] BM:46 [ARG] B5:832 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K_1
K:112 [LYS] 1:1243 [G] BM:53 [LYS] B5:1862 [A] ❌ 6AZ3_K_1
K:124 [SER] 1:529 [A] BM:65 [PRO] B5:815 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K_1
K:113 [ASN] 1:1242 [U] BM:54 [CYS] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:54, 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:112 [LYS] 1:1242 [U] BM:53 [LYS] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:76 [GLY] 1:1242 [U] BM:18 [GLY] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:18, 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:75 [ARG] 1:1240 [U] BM:17 [PHE] B5:1859 [C] ❌ 7O7Y_B5:1859 no longer at interface
K:75 [ARG] 1:1242 [U] BM:17 [PHE] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:124 [SER] 1:527 [A] BM:65 [PRO] B5:811 [U] ❌ 7O7Y_B5:811 no longer at interface
K:110 [ASN] 1:1242 [U] BM:51 [PRO] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:51, 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:109 [GLN] 1:1242 [U] BM:50 [MET] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:50, 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:77 [PRO] 1:1242 [U] BM:19 [PRO] B5:1861 [G] ❌ 7O7Y_B5:1861 no longer at interface
K:77 [PRO] 1:544 [A] BM:19 [PRO] B5:836 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_1:544 no longer at interface
K:78 [ARG] 1:544 [A] BM:20 [HIS] B5:836 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_1:544 no longer at interface
K:78 [ARG] 1:545 [A] BM:20 [HIS] B5:837 [U] ❌ 6AZ3_1:545 no longer at interface
K:87 [ASP] 1:523 [G] BM:29 [ASP] B5:743 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:87, 6AZ3_1:523 no longer at interface
K:88 [ILE] 1:523 [G] BM:30 [VAL] B5:743 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:88, 6AZ3_1:523 no longer at interface
K:105 [TRP] 1:544 [A] BM:46 [ARG] B5:836 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_1:544 no longer at interface
K:105 [TRP] 1:545 [A] BM:46 [ARG] B5:837 [U] ❌ 6AZ3_1:545 no longer at interface
K:106 [ARG] 1:545 [A] BM:47 [ARG] B5:837 [U] ❌ 6AZ3_K:106, 6AZ3_1:545 no longer at interface
K:107 [HIS] 1:544 [A] BM:48 [GLN] B5:836 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_1:544 no longer at interface
K:107 [HIS] 1:545 [A] BM:48 [GLN] B5:837 [U] ❌ 6AZ3_1:545 no longer at interface
K:125 [ARG] 1:523 [G] BM:66 [HIS] B5:743 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_1:523 no longer at interface
K:128 [SER] 1:515 [U] BM:69 [ARG] B5:733 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:128, 6AZ3_1:515 no longer at interface
K:128 [SER] 1:516 [G] BM:69 [ARG] B5:734 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:128, 6AZ3_1:516 no longer at interface
K:129 [ALA] 1:514 [C] BM:70 [GLN] B5:728 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:129, 6AZ3_1:514 no longer at interface
K:130 [LYS] 1:515 [U] BM:71 [LYS] B5:733 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:130, 6AZ3_1:515 no longer at interface
K:130 [LYS] 1:516 [G] BM:71 [LYS] B5:734 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:130, 6AZ3_1:516 no longer at interface
K:131 [ALA] 1:515 [U] BM:72 [TYR] B5:733 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:131, 6AZ3_1:515 no longer at interface
K:134 [ASP] 1:515 [U] BM:75 [LYS] B5:733 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:134, 6AZ3_1:515 no longer at interface
K:67 [ALA] 1:523 [G] BM:9 [VAL] B5:743 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:67, 6AZ3_1:523 no longer at interface
K:110 [ASN] 1:1243 [G] BM:51 [PRO] B5:1862 [A] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:51 no longer at interface
K:110 [ASN] 1:1244 [G] BM:51 [PRO] B5:1863 [C] ❌ 7O7Y_BM:51 no longer at interface
K:74 [LEU] 1:1241 [A] BM:16 [SER] B5:1860 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:74 no longer at interface
K:91 [ALA] 1:1245 [G] BM:33 [GLN] B5:1864 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:91 no longer at interface
K:127 [CYS] 1:530 [U] BM:68 [ALA] B5:816 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:127 no longer at interface
K:127 [CYS] 1:529 [A] BM:68 [ALA] B5:815 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:127 no longer at interface
K:128 [SER] 1:530 [U] BM:69 [ARG] B5:816 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:128 no longer at interface
K:128 [SER] 1:529 [A] BM:69 [ARG] B5:815 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:128 no longer at interface
K:131 [ALA] 1:530 [U] BM:72 [TYR] B5:816 [C] ❌ 6AZ3_K:131 no longer at interface
K:131 [ALA] 1:529 [A] BM:72 [TYR] B5:815 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:131 no longer at interface
K:134 [ASP] 1:529 [A] BM:75 [LYS] B5:815 [G] ❌ 6AZ3_K:134 no longer at interface

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Properties of this pair

Common ECOD label(s)
Common RFAM label(s)
Interface TM-score
Interface RMSD
Percentage identity
Protein TM-score
RNA TM-score
Protein coverage
RNA coverage
Percentage conservation
Apolar conservation
H-bond conservation
Percentage switching out
SH3 Eukaryotic large subunit ribosomal RNA 0.91 1.48 0.18 0.85 0.91 0.59 0.53 0.14 0.16 0.09 0.87

Other pairs involving 6AZ3_K_1 or 7O7Y_BM_B5

Total number of entries: 2