Integrative BioInformatics plateform of the I2BC

Our missions

BIOI2 - I2BC's bioinformatics plateform

The BIOI2 plateform offers access to resources and activities in bioinformatics developed and of use in the unit. It gathers several tools in the field of comparative analysis of genomes, the study of RNAs and the structural modelling of cellular machineries.

BIOI2 offers support services to facilitate and improve the processing of NGS sequencing, proteomics or biophysics data and organizes bioinformatics training in close collaboration with the Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB).

The platform is located at the heart of the 13 technological platforms of the Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), which are members of the National Infrastructures in Biology and Health (FRISBI, FBI, France-Genomics), in order to promote the integration and exploitation of data generated by users.

Tools & databases developed at I2BC

Upcoming training sessions

Thursday 28th of November 2024 – all day


Biologists unfamiliar with 3D protein structure analysis


An I2BC account and a laptop with internet and ChimeraX installed

Register under this link

If you have ideas for training sessions that you would like to organise with us or that you would like us to organise, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

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