Learning how to manipulate and visualise protein structures

Demo Step 2: Load the data in ChimeraX
Icon legend
: the hand icon specifies graphical ways of running tools in ChimeraX that go through the Tool & Menu bars
: the terminal icon specifies in-line ways of running tools in ChimeraX that go through the command line pane at the bottom of the window
Start ChimeraX and load your files
You can upload a structure file that is on your computer:
graphically through the Tool bar in Home > Open or through the Menu bar File > Open (drag & drop should also work)
in-line with the open path/to/your/file command
Of note: you can fetch structures directly from online databases in-line (if you have internet connection) with:
open https://url/to/your/file
e.g. open https://files.rcsb.org/download/8EF0.pdb to download the structure of rhMZ104-D antibody with PDB code 8EF0
open dbname:proteincode (see help for more options)
e.g. open alphafold:O15552 to load the Free fatty acid receptor 2 protein with UniProt code O15552 from the AlphaFold database
What you should now see

After uploading all 5 unrelaxed models and the relaxed model for rank 1, you should see:
- All 6 3D structures are shown in the Working pane
- These structures are also listed in the Models pane, and each of them is given a unique ID number
- The Log Pane shows you some more details about the structures you’ve uploaded (they all have 2 chains: A & B, for example), as well as the command you effectively used to upload your files – this is a good way to get familiar with the command line
You can show/hide elements by checking/unchecking the tick boxes in the Models pane (“eye” column) and select/deselect elements in the same way using the next column on the right. You can show/hide all by using the buttons on the far right of the Models pane. Similarly, you can delete elements using the Close button.
Note: the Models pane will also harbour the list of other elements you will generate (e.g. interaction elements, distance elements, etc.). They will also all be attributed unique ID numbers.
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